
Without question, the title of this site is a double entendre. You can think of it like a virtual, pop culture news report “and now, back to Brendan.” But more importantly, I really want you to think of it as a return to who I am as a writer and human being. These are the things I care about through my unfiltered lens. It’s partially for me. For so long I had been writing opinion pieces and one-off reviews that I’d post to social media, only to have them disappear into the nothingness of a feed. But It’s also for you. We all desire that dose of escapism, hopefully it can provide a laugh, if not— I get paid via advertising per visit so, thanks for that.

On a serious note, Back To Brendan is an opportunity to be intimate with readers. Since the dawn of my existence I’ve considered having a loud and outgoing personality to be a strength. However, it comes with critics judging you more based on your bold character instead of your honest intentions. Creatively, this is a shot to showcase a more accurate depiction of self. As if it needed to be stated, but I will continue to write about all of my favorite things— Disney, horror, superheroes, and updates on future films. But also expect less topical waters. This platform is going to touch on the things that I don’t say out loud, my interactions with people, experiences with romance and grief, social movements, and stories that I carry with me that are worth sharing.

The first step to in getting back to ‘yourself’, is reclaiming all that you love. I love people and I love to write. This is my ode to both.

-Brendan McWhirk

Katie Kroncke

Looking for someone who can both explain the ins and outs of robot coding, while correcting improperly sung High School Musical lyrics? Look no further. Katie has a heartfelt but realistic tone which she uses in both her everyday life and personal writing. She’s an avid bookworm, self-proclaimed foodie, reality tv junkie, and obsessed dog mom who believes in always giving back to her community. After all, we’re all in this together. HSM reference, sorry.

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